Sublime NATURALS® | Essential Oils + Organic Face & Body
$ 13.99 $ 15.00
Latin name: Rosemarinus Officinalis Sourced: Spain Production: Steam Distillation (leaves & twigs)
Rosemary is a fresh, woodsy, herbal aroma that is pleasant to most people. It is known for several qualities, including memory enhancement! It stimulates the mind, energizes, helps with clarity and helps handle stress.
It is of course anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-spasmodic. Rosemary strongly kills microbes, and it is known for helping to reduce pain and even tightness of muscles. It can help with congestion (expectorant) but is less strong that eucalyptus, for instance (some people like a milder essential oil for such things.)
A very important super power? Rosemary has been shown to bring down cortisol levels and helps calm stress in addition to helping memory.
Breathe in the delicious scent whenever you wish or diffuse it!
If you feel highly stressed and cortisol levels are up, diffuse Rosemary or add 3 drops to your favorite cream and massage on. You might also mix 5 drops of Rosemary into an ounce of jojoba oil and put in your rollerball applicator (or just in a glass jar), and apply it when you need to calm down.
Feeling depressed, fatigued, uninspired or just “blah”? Research shows Rosemary (along with a few other essential oils) can be nicely uplifting!
Congested? Rosemary is an expectorant. It is a good one to use if eucalyptus is too strong for you; or blend 4 drops Rosemary and 1 drop Eucalyptus in a diffuser or inhaler. Rosemary is also synergistic with Clove.
Numbness, Inflammation or Pain of Joints? Early Herbalists in Europe recommended Rosemary for this condition. You might want to blend 3 drops Rosemary with 2 drops Frankincense and 1 drop Turmeric into an ounce of cream and massage on those joints. Try drops of Rosemary in a warm soak for joints as well.
Related to this, some aromatherapists recommend using Rosemary during exercise class (apply a dilution on your skin or diffuse) as it helps prevent soreness or tightness that can occur.