Sublime NATURALS® | Essential Oils + Organic Face & Body
$ 12.99 $ 15.00
Latin Name: Foeniculum Vulgare Sourced: China Production: CO2 steam distillation
Fresh, sweet, spicy, a little like Anis or Pastis yet earthy, Fennel is very versatile and quite compatible with other essential oils for blending. In Ancient Greece and Rose, Fennel seeds were chewed to suppress the appetite. Soldiers used it when food was low.
Here are just a few things to know!
1) Digestive support: In addition to suppressing appetite (inhale often - it is one used to help break sugar addiction!), Fennel helps digestion. An 8 week study showed reduced caloric intake in the subjects and faster digestion.
2) Cramps. Fennel blended with Rose Geranium can aid in reducing cramps - both menstrual cramps but also muscular.
3) Reduce Fatigue. Fennel is uplifting and energetic. Diffuse if you are fatigued. You can also blend Fennel and Pink Grapefruit, or Lemon or Lime.
4) Coughs, Infection, Congestion? Fennel is an anti-spasmodic and can help with coughs. Because of the strong anti-bacterial, it is good to reduce colds, flues, congestion and infections.
5) In Aromatherapy, it helps with getting "unstuck", with feelings of being withdrawn, shy or inhibited. It helps with creative energy.