Skin Brushing

We are fans of Skin Brushing!

An informational site we maintain all about this holistic and healthy practice is found here. The site includes HOW TO guides, testimonials and background information.

Our Skin Brushes are available through sister company Sublime Beauty® and on Amazon.


Skin Brushing is an ancient art and has been practiced through the ages – even taught by Hippocrates in Ancient Greece medical school.

Today, models, actresses, holistic practitioners and smart women brush their skin daily. Such celebrities as Salma Hayek, Cindy Crawford, Miranda Kerr, Naomi Watts and Molly Sims rave about Body Brushing. Why?

1) It helps exfoliate and whisk away those dead cells and toxins excreted by the skin (your largest body organ), and supports optimal skin functioning. You detox your skin and body!

2) It boosts the circulatory system, helping to deliver nutrients throughout the body. It helps those with sluggish systems and elderly as well.

3) It helps to move the lymphatic system, which has no natural pump like the heart. The lymphatic system drains toxins, and helps keep the immune system strong.

4) It invigorates and gives a wonderful sense of well-being!

5) It can help reduce cellulite and keep those in-grown hairs away.

6) It helps distribute your natural oils of the skin and helps improve skin tone. BUY OUR SKIN BRUSH NOW!.


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